Name: Silsoe Golf League
Aims and Objectives:
Silsoe Golf League (SGL), formed in 2001, is a golfing society based in the village of Silsoe, Bedfordshire. With a maximum of 36 playing members, SGL was formed to provide a focal point for the many golfers who reside in the village and who recognised the opportunities that a golfing society would bring.
Benefits that provide:-
- A weekly golf competition with after match food and refreshment during spring and summer months.
- A format for running golf competitions and arranging golfing breaks.
- Provide other social events throughout the year.
SGL aims to treat its membership in a fair and equal manner, electing an SGL Committee, on an annual basis, to manage its financial affairs and the general running of the society.
SGL aims to utilise and support local Golf Courses, Retail Outlets and other such local businesses wherever possible and practical.
SGL is a non-profit making society.
The members are predominantly current or past Silsoe residents, although SGL does not exclude members from surrounding villages and towns who have other associations with Silsoe. Members and the SGL Committee, (appointed from existing members), will be subject to the regulations and aims of the constitution and by joining the society be deemed to have accepted the regulations and aims that the society has adopted.
Members, by joining SGL, will also agree to abide by the Rules and Golfing Format which governs the League Competition and various Tournaments. SGL Rules and Format can be found on the SGL website or can be made available in hard copy.
SGL welcomes members of both sexes and of any age group but recognise that the social nature of the society may exclude some younger members from fully enjoying some activities held on Licensed Premises etc.
In the event that an SGL member resigns or leaves, for whatever reason, the Committee will maintain a list of people wishing to join the society in order of the date of application.
The remaining player of the original pair will then have the opportunity to either:-
- Allow date order to take precedent over selection of new member, or
- Ask the Committee to select his or her new playing partner
SGL welcomes ‘Social Members’ who may elect to take part in many of the social activities without actually playing in the SGL League Competition itself. This may include various Tournaments throughout the season, golfing breaks or following League fixtures, join members for a meal. Social Membership will be charged at 50% of Full SGL Membership rates and food at the current rate.
Membership Fees:
Membership Fees will be set annually and agreed at the time of the AGM for the following season. The season will normally start in March/April and run to September.
Green Fees and Food Money will be displayed on the web site at the start of the season. Payment arrangements will be displayed on the web site. Unless agreed with the treasurer all payments should be made by electronic transfer.
Visitors will be charged for golf and refreshments at the appropriate rate.
Players will be given green fee refunds from the Treasurer should matches not be played in line with the fixture list. Refunds will be made at the end of the season.
Officers of SGL:
The SGL Committee will consist of the following Core Officers as a minimum requirement:
- Chair
- Captain
- Society Secretary
- Treasurer
- Handicap Secretary
- Website Manager
- Membership Secretary
As and when required the Committee may increase its Officers, to be decided at the AGM.
Officers will be elected annually at the AGM.
All Officers will retire each year but will be eligible for re-appointment.
SGL will be managed by the Committee Officers as described and only these posts will have the right to vote at Committee Meetings other than the AGM.
The Chair will call the meetings as and when required.
SGL Committee will be responsible for adopting new policy, codes of conduct and the rules and format of the League. They will also have the powers to appoint sub-committees as necessary and appoint advisers in order to fulfil its business and running of the society.
A quorum required for Committee business to commence will be 3 Officers.
The Handicap Secretary will manage all players’ handicaps and review any changes with the full SGL Committee before making any announcements to the players.
The Handicap Secretary will establish all new players’ handicaps as soon as is possible. This will supersede their ‘holding’ handicap of 3.
Should a Core Officer of the SGL Committee resign mid-term, the remaining Officers will be charged with finding a replacement from the current SGL membership. On this occasion a vote will not be necessary.
All society monies will be banked in an account held in the name of the society.
The Treasurer will be responsible for the management of the finances of the society.
All cheques paid out by SGL will be signed by two Committee Officials.
The Financial Year will run to the end of the SGL season and no later than the Annual AGM.
An audited statement of annual accounts will be presented by the Treasurer at the AGM. It is the responsibility of the Treasurer to engage an auditor to approve the accounts and seek approval of the selected auditor from the full Committee.
Annual General Meeting:
Notice of the AGM will be given by the Chair not less than 21 days before the date of the meeting. Notice will be given to all current members.
The AGM will receive a report from each serving Core Officer including a statement of the audited accounts.
Nomination for Officers of the SGL Committee will be sent to the Chair in advance of the AGM.
Elections for the Officers will take place at the AGM and new positions will become effective on the following day.
The outgoing/re-elected Chair will be responsible for the AGM Minutes.
All current members of the society have a right to vote at the AGM. Where required, proxy votes will be accepted given that all current members are given a written copy of the motion to be voted upon at least 1 week in advance of the AGM. Proxy votes must be given to the Chair in advance of the AGM. If a new motion is raised at the AGM, only those members attending will be allowed to vote on the motion.
The quorum for an AGM will be at least 50% of the total membership.
The SGL Committee has the right to call Extraordinary General Meetings (EGM) outside the AGM with procedures as per the AGM.
Appeals Process:
If a member or members has a grievance of any kind, then this grievance should be submitted by email to the SGL Committee. The issue will be discussed at the first available Committee Meeting, but no later than 30 days from the date of the email. A decision will be given by email within 7 days of the meeting to the person who lodged the grievance and to any other person directly affected by the decision.
The SGL Committee has the power to take appropriate measures so as to retain the high standards of the society including the termination of a player’s membership with no return of fees.
There will be the right of appeal to the SGL Committee and this will be considered and responded to within 21 days of receipt of an official email.
A resolution to dissolve the society can only be taken at the AGM or EGM through the majority vote of the current membership.
In the event of dissolution, any assets of the society that remain will be divided equally amongst the current members of the society.
SGL currently use The Millbrook to host the majority of its local golfing events and the Star & Garter Public House to host its social events. Any change of Golf Course or Social establishment must be agreed by the Committee and put to an AGM or EGM for approval. The league is not opposed to using other venues locally to help support businesses in the vicinity of Silsoe on an adhoc basis.
SGL run a number of golfing competitions throughout the year, the main events being:
- The Silsoe Golf League. (Season of Fixtures)
- The ‘End of Season’ Tournament
- The Mashie Trophy. (Played during the Christmas Holiday period)
- The ‘3 club’ Tournament
- The Chairman’s Trophy
- An ‘away day’ competition
Trophies exist for certain competitions. Other prizes are supplied at the discretion of the SGL Committee.
Amendments to the Constitution:
The Constitution will only be changed through agreement by majority vote at the AGM or EGM.
Silsoe Golf League hereby adopts and accepts this Constitution as a current operating guide regulating the actions of members.